About Cassie


Welcome to Filtered Selection! My name is Cassie Reynoso, and I am the author and creator of FilteredSelection.com

During my beginning stages of learning SEO (search engine optimization), I noticed over and over again how guides because they were not written for beginners.

They used advanced language and examples or hard to follow sequences.

This approach makes it difficult for beginners in SEO or small business owners understand what best SEO practices they can be doing. Why wasn’t there something easier to follow? Is SEO really that difficult to learn?

Between all of the terminology and audit guides – it can get confusing!

My goal with this website is to simplify the process of learning SEO for you and help you find the answers you’re looking for.

So, whether you’re new to SEO or a pro SEO content marketing specialist, there are articles for everyone to read (and hopefully take something new away!).

Be sure to check out my recent articles 🙂

Are You Ready to Learn About SEO?

Create a website or blog at WordPress.com